Almost no matter what you do, your network has become a critical part of your office and many people simply couldn't do their jobs without Internet access. Yet at the same time that network is a very real risk to your business. |
Products like Office365 and Google Workspace have given small businesses the ability to implement top tier solutions without bulky, expensive hardware in the office. These services provide you with scalability and reliability for less than it would cost to buy your employees coffee a couple times a week. |
Phone Systems
Phones are still the centerpiece of modern office communication, allowing customers to reach out for quick answers. When clients have questions, picking up the phone and getting connected to a pleasant, familiar voice helps them feel comfortable and a part of your business. |
Access Control
How do you control who has keys to the office? How do you give your people access to the spaces they need and keep other areas secure? How do you know when people come and go? |
Conference Rooms
Today's conference room needs more than an imprssive table and a speakerphone. Today's conference room needs more than just a TV with wire run across the wall to a DVD player in the corner. |
That Concierge Touch
Support for a system from P89Tech doesn't end when we walk out the door. Service isn't limited to the stuff you purchased from us. |